Daniela Giacosa. Ocularist in Dublin

We specialize in tailor made Prosthesis done on site by an Ocularist. We don’t source out any part of our service. We use biocompatible products and the latest technology available.

We are regulated by the Health Authorities in Ireland.

Daniela is a specialist in tailor made artificial eyes, also known as” Ocular prosthesis”.

Daniela graduated as a Dispensing Optician in Argentina before registering with CORU and The Irish Association of Dispensing opticians (IADO) in 2011.

She began her training as an Ocularist in Manchester in 2008 and has been practicing in Ireland since 2013. Daniela is registered as a Medical Devices fabricator, regulated by the Health Products Regulatory Authority (HPRA).

She is also a member of the European Association of Ocularists (AEO) and the International Academy of Ocularistry (IAO).

Daniela is committed to keeping regular up to date training going to the American and European Conferences annually to constantly improve in the latest techniques and materials available.

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We specialize in tailor made Prosthesis done on site by an Ocularist. We don’t source out any part of our service. We use biocompatible products and we are regulated by the Health Authorities in Ireland.

Testimonials & Gallery

“After having to have my eye removed due to cancer I was dreading the thought of getting a prosthetic eye and what I would end up looking like after. I cannot recommend Daniela highly enough. Daniela was so considerate and patient with me throughout the journey of creating my prosthetic. The end result was an amazing prosthetic which was nearly an exact match to my existing eye. Daniela was so easily contactable with any questions I had before, during and after my journey. “


“I wanted to say a special Thank You for the beautiful and dedicated work that you did in creating my beautiful Prosthetic Eye. I very much appreciate your work and how easy you made the process for me”


I would like to Thank you so much for the New Prosthetic eye that you hand crafted over the three stage visits. From start to finish you were so good with each step of the process, explained in such a way that I knew what was going to be done. I only have my prosthetic one day and my wife, children and work colleagues are amazed at your craftsmanship. Anyone who is unfortunate to be in same situation as myself should be visiting Daniela, so you can get your face back to what it was before your eye loss.I will always be grateful to you. Cheers!


“Thanks for my new wonderfull prosthetic eye, crafted by Daniela. I’ve been given the confidence to reconnect with all the things I love doing in life. My new eye is truely life-transformative. I really cannot express the depth of my grattitude for Daniela for what she has done for me. The prosthetic eye looks so natural and feels so comfortable that its hard to believe I wasnt born with it.”


Insertion & Removal


Always, wash your hands and do it on top of a soft surface like a towel in case the prosthesis drops to avoid damaging or losing it.
Take your time and if you can’t do it the first time take a break and try again. It is normal to be nervous at the beginning till you get used to it.
Your eyelids are holding your artificial eye in. To remove it, gently pull down your lower eyelid to reveal the edge of the prosthesis, using your fingertip or an extractor, release the bottom of it and let it come down from your upper lid toward your cheeks.
See picture below:


Remember first to check the right position, the number that is in the prosthesis goes always on the top.
Lift your upper eyelid with one hand to make room for your artificial eye and insert it underneath the upper eyelid.
With a finger of the same hand you are using to hold your upper eyelid hold the prosthesis in this position to stop it falling out. Using your free hand gently pull down your lower lid to insert the bottom part of the prosthesis.
See pictures below:

Eye Prosthesis Aftercare

You have been provided with a CUSTOM-MADE eye prosthesis and its use is intended for you only.
Generally, it is not necessary to remove your artificial eye unless discomfort or excessive discharge is experienced. As long as your artificial eye feels comfortable it is recommended to be worn all the time, 24hs a day. The reason being, it may take a few hours for the eye to settle in again every time it is removed.
It is not unusual to experience some discharge and symptoms can vary with changes in atmosphere, weather, air conditioning, colds, allergies, etc. If the discharge is excessive and you are experiencing redness, inflammation, itchiness, pain or discomfort it could be a sign of an infection and you should contact your GP.
It is highly recommended to wear spectacles full time for protection. A Dispensing Optician can help you to improve appearances and symmetry with prescription lenses (Cosmetic Optics). We recommend to have Sport-specific, protective eyewear, swimming goggles according to specific activities.

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Cosmetic Shell Aftercare

You have been provided with a CUSTOM-MADE cosmetic shell and its use is intended for you only.
You should NOT wear your cosmetic shell when sleeping and the wearing time will vary depending on your clinician recommendation
The shell has to be removed daily and cleaned before reinsertion.

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Artificial Eye Dublin Ireland Ocularist

I will be happy to answer any of your questions before and during the process of the fabrication and fitting of your prosthesis. On this page find the most frequently asked questions regarding eye prosthesis.

An ocularist is a specially trained clinician / technician skilled in the art of taking impressions, painting an artificial iris, sculpting and fitting an ocular prosthesis. An ocularist also provides long term maintenance by periodic examination of the prosthesis for the continuing comfort and the health of the eye socket and to ensure optimum cosmetic confidence for the patient concerned.

An ocularist fabricates and fits only custom made prostheses, from raw material through to final fitting and beyond to lifetime care for the patient.

A Tailor-made prosthesis is made taking an impression of your eye socket that will maximise the comfort of the prosthesis and will make it easier for you to adapt as well as optimize the movement of the artificial eye. With this technique the prosthesis will fit to the contour of your socket, maintaining the health and avoiding deformity of the orbit.

The painting of the Iris is done in front of the patient copying from the other eye this gives more accuracy than copying from a photograph.

In contrast, a Stock Artificial Eye is mass-produced and not custom made for the individual's socket or colour.

If you are wearing a cosmetic shell it has to be removed every night to give the eye a break. It has to be clean in the morning before you insert it back in.

If you are wearing a prosthetic eye we recommend not to remove it unless it is uncomfortable or to clean it.

As a general guide the advice is that you have a routine check up and polish every 12 months. It is very important to have a regular review to check any changes in your socket and to get the prosthesis professionally polished.

It is normal to have a certain amount of discharge in your socket, this varies from one person to the next. Some weather conditions or atmospheric changes could affect this as well.

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